Swim Meet

Sea Lions,

The deadline for Friday’s Swim Meet is Monday at 6pm.  Sign up on our website at  https://www.sjsealions.com/funmeet/
This meet promises to be the most fun event of the year with two person 50 yard races, 6 & 8 person relays and the Noodle Relay at the end.  Not to mention that several coaches will be competing along with some Middle School team members, High School team members and Alumni!
Our goal is to have a ton of fun, highlight swimming & diving in our city and to raise a few $ for our programs.  We are looking into using the funds towards an Ipad with waterproof case and a video/ software app.  With this tool, our swim programs will be able to show videos and other tips as well as video tape and analyze the swimming techniques of our students.
We hope you have had a great season and can plan to join us next Friday, the 15th!
PS, don’t forget to RSVP for the awards banquet on March 21st.
Go Sea Lions!