How do I know if my child is ready for Sea Lions? How do tryouts work?

Each swimmer age 6 or older will take a swim test at tryout day. The coach will ask swimmers to swim one Iength of the pool (25 yards) freestyle and another length in backstroke. This is primarily for safety reasons. We do have a lifeguard on deck at all times but need swimmers to be somewhat confident swimming unassisted. They will not be critiqued on form, they will develop those skills later!


What happens if my child doesn’t pass the swim test?

If we determine at the first practice that your swimmer isn’t quite ready for regular swim practice, we will return your money and wait for your child to get a bit more confident in the pool. We encourage swimmers to look to the City swim lessons or other sources for some beginner swim lessons, then please come back and try again!


What gear does my swimmer need?

Plan to send your child with a swimsuit that is comfortable and won’t slip down or fall off (does not have to be a competition suit). We usually offer team suits for sale in the fall session, but these suits are not mandatory. Bring goggles, sold at Dunhams or other sporting good stores and decent ones cost about $15. You can buy cheaper ones at discount stores but often these won’t be as water-tight. has some good deals. We will provide all other equipment that your swimmer needs. And it’s great to have flip-flops or sandals and a towel! 


How are practice sessions structured? What should my child expect during them? 

Each swim level has a different coach. Developing swimmers practice for 45 minutes, Intermediate for 1 hour, Advanced for 90 minutes, and Elite for 2 hours. Your swimmer will be placed with other swimmers at their same level and will be given a workout at the beginning of each practice session. Some days there will be dryland workouts (on the pool deck).


How many sessions are there?

Summer session: Mid-June through early August, 8 weeks (sign up early May)

Fall session: Early September through Christmas, 15-16 weeks (sign up early August)

Winter session: January through mid-March, 8-10 weeks (sign up early December)

Season concludes with State Meet at the end of February.


How much does it cost?

The cost is about $15 per week.


What are the swim levels and how do you move up?

Developing (WHITE GROUP): New swimmers. Must be able to swim the length of the pool is freestyle and backstroke. 45 minute workouts.

Intermediate (GREY GROUP): Swimmers are ready for competitive swimming. Must be able to start from the blocks and perform all four strokes. 60 minute workouts.

Advanced (RED GROUP): Swimmers are ready to strengthen their skills, must be able to swim 50 yards of each stroke and complete 90 minute workouts.

Elite (BLACK GROUP): For seriously dedicated swimmers only. Must be able to complete 2 hour workouts.

To move up a group, the coach will test the swimmer to determine placement.


How many days a week should my child attend practice?

2-3 days per week is suggested for developing and intermediate swimmers. 3-4 days per week for advanced and 4-5 days for elite. These are suggestions and you can make the practices work with your schedule.


What competition opportunities may be available for Sea Lions?

We hold home dual meets regularly and one invitational in early February. Away meets depend on invites from other teams in our league.


How is it determined which lane my child will swim in?

Coaches will place swimmers in lane appropriate to their skill level.


How do meets work? 

See other link in same tab: "Swim Meets: what to expect"


How can I help?

We love parent volunteers! Please ask any of the coaches or Board members you see around the pool if you’d like to be involved with the club. We will send emails with specific requests for help for swim meets and events. We can always use timers at home swim meets. 



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