Thank you for signing up! Your registration has been received and we look forward to seeing you and your child at the pool!
On-Site Check In
On - Site Check In will be at the High School Pool Entrance, Monday June 14th and Tuesday June 15th from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. For new swim parents, this will be a good opportunity to speak with our board members and discuss any questions you may have.
Payment Options
Invoices will be sent from our PayPal account after registrations are received. Payments from those invoices may be made by:
- Debit or Credit Card. Pay directly from the email invoice. Online payments include a small processing fee.
- At the On-Site Check In. We accept cash, money order or checks made out to St. Johns Sea Lions.
- By Mail. Check or Money Order payments may also be mailed to:
    St. Johns Sea Lions
    800 S. US27 #108
    St. Johns, MI 48879
Thank you again. We look forward to a successful session. If you have any questions, please contact us at
2021 Board of Directors
Suzie Fromson - President
Kristina Simmons - Vice President
Elyse Walter - SecretaryÂ
Katie Grams - TreasurerÂ
Glenn Armstrong - Board Member
Szanadue Butler - Board Member
Cory Ott - Board Member